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World Bible School is a work of holy love which believes every soul is precious to God. It answers the questions:

• What is the purpose of my life?
• How can I be sure of God's will for me?
• Can I begin again with a fresh, clean start?
• How can I find relationships that last forever?
• Where is the power for me to enjoy a better life?

Jesus said that the greatest two commandments are: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind" and "Love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:34-40; Mark 12:28-34)

In like manner, John 3:16 expresses God's greatest desire for us: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

God's love is elegant and powerful. Christ embodied that love unto death. Today, that same love motivates the people of God to share their faith in Jesus with others using Bible correspondence courses as the teaching mechanism.

Since the 1950's, WBS has been sending Bible correspondence courses free of charge to students around the world. We now serve over 2 million students from 141 nations. WBS continues to send Bible study correspondence courses to eager students throughout the world. Of course, they are all STILL free of charge.

We encourage you to continue in your Bible study and discover how people's deepest needs are being met and their lives are being changed by learning more about God and His will.

Some of the courses in which you may enroll include:

God Has Spoken
We can know God because He reveals Himself! He reveals His will and purpose for life. Let God’s Word answer your most important questions.

• How does God speak to us today?
• Who is the Holy Spirit?
• Why do we suffer?
• Does God really care for me?

Knowing Jesus
Jesus makes amazing promises to all who “know” Him. Come to know the Person who is the "Way, the Truth and the Life.”

• How can I enjoy this relationship fully?
• Why did Jesus die?
• What do “Christ” and “Son of God” really mean?
• Does Jesus reign now, and how does that affect my life?
• How can I be sure of the resurrection?

Born of Water and Spirit
Jesus insists on a “new birth!” What does He mean? Scripture gives all the assurance you need.

• Can I really experience a fresh start – a truly new life?
• Why is the cross so important?
• How does the Spirit work?
• Why “water?”
• Can I face my own death without fear?

Family of God
God has chosen a family of His own. Live the royal life now–and eternally! An advanced study in Ephesians, with many Bible helps.

• Can I be sure He wants and chooses me?
• What does the Bible mean by “church?”
• How can I recognize Christ’s family today?
• What about its unity?
• What is in store for me as God’s “heir?”

Other courses include:
• This is Good News
• Salvation in Christ
• Foundations of Faith
• Lord, Teach Us to Pray


1. Does WBS offer a college degree?

No. WBS does not offer a degree program. The WBS courses are designed to increase your knowledge and faith in God through the study of Scripture.

2. Will WBS send me a free Bible or other free items?

No. The only resources WBS provides are free Bible courses. Funds are limited to the supply of the courses via email at no cost to the students. All Scriptures used in the courses are included in the lessons, so access to a Bible is not necessary to complete WBS courses.

3. How long do I have to complete a WBS course?

WBS courses are written for busy people. Each lesson is brief and can be completed in about half an hour. We suggest the following:

• Set a goal to study at a regular pace. We recommend daily.
• Allow time to think and pray about the Scriptures as you study. Look for areas of your life to change your behavior and thinking to honor God.
• Meditate on the truths presented in the lessons. Let them shape your life.

Remember… Christianity involves worship, fellowship, obedience, service, and a daily relationship with God as you learn to be more like Jesus.

4. Will WBS fit my busy schedule?

Yes. WBS offers you the opportunity to study when and where you want. Our desire is to accommodate your schedule, and to encourage you to develop some healthy new habits in your spiritual walk.

5. Is WBS really free?

Yes, WBS is really free. WBS Study Helpers and others support WBS as they donate time and money to keep WBS free for all students around the world. There are no hidden costs or fees.

The mission of WBS is to educate and equip people who seek a better understanding of God and His will for their lives through study of the Scriptures. WBS serves you in your quest for a deeper faith. We desire to assist you in developing a more intimate relationship with God.

We believe the Bible is from God and should be our only source of religious instruction. We follow no creed, but Christ. We have no "doctrinal statement of faith" except the New Testament. The message of the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, points us to faith and grace from God through His Son, Jesus. We believe that salvation is found in no other name but Jesus. By following His teachings found in the New Testament, you can be part of God's family and live a life of purpose and meaning.

CONTACT US TODAY to enroll in this FREE Bible study course via E-MAIL: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Please include your name and email address.